Years ago, the Tagua–a bird native to Chile–lived here along the Puelo river, building their nests along the shores of Lake Tagua Tagua.

Here at Tawa, Refugio del Puelo, we’re inspired by the Tagua’s story and have created a space that sings harmony and connection with nature, where you can live out an experience that’s simultaneously unique, simple, authentic and cozy–a true refuge nestled within this immense valley.

It’s a place for dreaming; for planning adventures; for exploring; for sharing, and finally, for
resting and enjoying the simplicity, elegance and warmth with which only nature can provide us.


The TAWA is made up of a set of different volumes and designs, freely arranged to optimize views, offer privacy, and to become one with the forest and river banks–all connected by footbridges and hidden among myrtle trees, rocks and dust.

As a finishing touch, the restaurant is located right where the Lake Tagua Tagua meets the River Puelo. It’s a tall structure which stretches tall towards the sky and out towards the lake, beckoning the traveler: an A-frame refuge. The refuge views soar to the tops of the nearby mountains, letting light stream into the refuge…while still offering protection from the cold wind and rain that swoop through the valley.”

–Antonia Pellegrini, Architect of Tawa Refugio Puelo


The TAWA is made up of a set of different volumes and designs, freely arranged to optimize views, offer privacy, and to become one with the forest and river banks–all connected by footbridges and hidden among myrtle trees, rocks and dust.

As a finishing touch, the restaurant is located right where the Lake Tagua Tagua meets the River Puelo. It’s a tall structure which stretches tall towards the sky and out towards the lake, beckoning the traveler: an A-frame refuge. The refuge views soar to the tops of the nearby mountains, letting light stream into the refuge…while still offering protection from the cold wind and rain that swoop through the valley.”

–Antonia Pellegrini, Architect of Tawa Refugio Puelo


The turquoise waters of the Puelo River shape one of the most spectacular basins in the south of Chile. Lakes, forests and mountains unite to form a pristine, wild territory: the front door to Northern Patagonia. The source of the Puelo River lies in Lake Puelo in Argentina, and its waters flow into the Pacific through the Reloncaví estuary.

It is in the middle of this journey that the waters of the Puelo River give life to Lake Tagua Tagua: a strategic point from which we can explore the immensity of the valley, and rest in the warmth of Tawa, Refugio del Puelo.


The turquoise waters of the Puelo River shape one of the most spectacular basins in the south of Chile. Lakes, forests and mountains unite to form a pristine, wild territory: the front door to Northern Patagonia. The source of the Puelo River lies in Lake Puelo in Argentina, and its waters flow into the Pacific through the Reloncaví estuary.

It is in the middle of this journey that the waters of the Puelo River give life to Lake Tagua Tagua: a strategic point from which we can explore the immensity of the valley, and rest in the warmth of Tawa, Refugio del Puelo.


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